Black River develops models and applications for Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) simulation to evaluate system component performance and human machine interoperability. We simulate sensors, platforms, vehicles, and dismounts. Capabilities include a system-of-systems framework to support sensors (GMTI, WAMI, FMV, SAR, SIGINT, Chat…) for large scale complex environments co-worked with CryEngine (teamed with Real Time Immersive) for true-to-life graphic visualization that supports scenario walk-through, mission planning, non-evasive training, and synthetic sensor feeds.
These capabilities, integrated with the overall system, provide ISR and exploitation products to support both training efficiency and efficacy. The ability to inject live participants into a large constructive or photo-realistic virtual scenario allows for immersive training analysis. Simulated ISR sensor feeds provide data available. Simulated exploitation products provide data to the end user that can be utilized for decision training. These capabilities are instrumented, tuned, and analyzed to understand the impact of operator actions in a variety of environments.